The Association of
Former Students
Graphic Design Student Assistant
The Association of Former Students is a nonprofit organization that works closely with Texas A&M University to serve all current and former students.
Known for having a detail oriented and professional environment, I spent my time here working as an internal graphic designer student assistant, handling various creative tasks while working within the adobe suite using applications such as Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign creating business cards, magazine advertisements, logos, brochures, email headers, stickers, t-shirt designs and more.

This gallery includes a full page magazine advertisement I made for our TxAg magazine that I curated using AI image generation of the background, and Adobe Photoshop for compositing the builidng into the image.
The second next slide is a printed pocket calendar made for all of The Association donors and typically brings in around $1,000,000 dollars in donations annually.
Featured is also one of the many logos made for various A&M clubs hosted around the world. Each club ends up using their logo on their website, t-shirts, and printed materials.
Also included is my proposal for our 2024 Aggie Ring Day t-shirt that would be featured at all of our Aggie Ring Days throughout the year with thousands of t-shirts made and sold. They had to go with a different design because soon after this I left for an internship and was no longer able to be there for the revision process.